

A one-hour private session for clients wanting to commence studio pilates. This will consist of a postural analysis and introduction to the Pilates principles and technique. This session will be used to allow for individualised programming to work with your  body's strengths and weaknesses and help you achieve your goals.


Studio sessions are available as private, duet or small group sessions.

  • Private sessions are one-on-one tuition for one hour

  • Mini private sessions are 30 minutes in duration

  • Duet sessions are for 2 people, one hour

  • Small groups are a maximum of four people, one hour.

All sessions work­ through indi­vid­u­alised pro­grams. All clients must under­take an initial con­sul­ta­tion prior to com­menc­ing stu­dio ses­sions to allow for a pro­gram to be designed to best suit their needs and goals. The ses­sions incor­po­rate some mat work, the use of small appa­ra­tus and the use of the var­i­ous pilates equip­ment, including the reformer, combo chair, lad­der bar­rel and trapeze table.


Kids Studio Pilates are 45 minute studio sessions using the reformer and other pilates equipment.  These are specialised sessions designed specifically for children and adolescents aged 10 - 15 to assist in whole body health.  Sessions focus specifically on building strength and control in growing bodies. We cater for performance and injury prevention for specific sports and activities such as, swimming, dance, soccer, cricket, tennis, hockey and netball. 

mini studio privates

This 30-minute session is a highly-focused one on one session with Sharon that addresses specific body conditions, needs or areas of concern for the individual client.

It utilises the full range of Pilated equipment and props. Some conditions that Sharon has been working with include, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, knee replacement rehab, neck pathologies, quilter’s hands and post breast cancer surgery. Min privates work on building strength, relieving pain and promoting freedom of movement.


A 30 minute one-on-one session for clients totally new to pilates and wanting to commence mat classes. The session will consist of a postural analysis and introduction to the Pilates principles and technique. 


Our mat classes are for fit and able bod­ies and cater for begin­ners through to those prac­tic­ing at an inter­me­di­ate level.  The classes are small, with a max­i­mum of ten peo­ple, so you can receive per­sonal atten­tion through­out the class.  The classes focus on the prin­ci­ples and tech­nique of pilates and at times incor­po­rate the use of small appa­ra­tus such as fit-balls, foam rollers, magic cir­cles, chi balls and ankle/hand weights.

Intermediate Mat

These mat classes are designed for more experienced pilates students. Clients benefit from a greater challenge with new moves and a faster pace.

Introduction to Rev It Up/ Reformer

A 30 minute one on one or duet session for clients totally new or returning to Pilates and wanting to commence reformer sessions. The session will consist of an introduction to the Pilates pricipals and technique and an orientation of the reformer machine.

rev it up

These 45 minute reformer classes are a higher intensity, flow style class suitable for “fit and able bodies”.

The classes have a quicker pace with a sense of flow, working mostly on the reformer with a little bit of mat and small apparatus work. A maximum of four clients.


BoneRevolution is a mat-based class and focuses on bone and joint health by working on:

  • muscle strength

  • balance

  • responsiveness

  • function

  • core control

  • fall & fracture prevention

  • mobility and posture.

Anouk, one of our instructors, has created BoneRevolution based on an intensive program she has completed called Buff Bones, Pilates for Bone Health. It is a strong area of interest for her and she is excited to be able to offer this special class to our Body Revolution community.