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meet the team


Sharon Porter

Director, Certified Pilates Instructor

Sharon dis­cov­ered Pilates about 20 years ago and imme­di­ately fell in love with this amaz­ing prac­tice and the health and well being ben­e­fits it pro­vides. 

Sharon has completed com­pre­hen­sive study and train­ing in Pilates through Polestar Pilates and has com­pleted courses and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in mat­ work and stu­dio pilates.  She holds a Diploma Of Pro­fes­sional Pilates and is a Full Mem­ber of the Pilates Alliance Aus­trala­sia – an organ­i­sa­tion that sup­ports the pro­fes­sional stan­dards and integrity of the pilates industry. From a teach­ing back­ground, Sharon worked in sec­ondary arts edu­ca­tion for 26 years.  She held the posi­tion of Head Of Depart­ment – Dance and Drama for most of that time.

Sharon is passionate in work­ing with artists in the Per­form­ing Arts indus­try to assist them in their work through a tai­lored pilates fit­ness pro­gram.  She enjoys work­ing with a range of per­form­ing artists includ­ing singers, actors, musi­cians and of course, dancers.

In recent years, Sharon has developed a passion for working with young people and introducing them to the benefits of pilates for growing bodies. 

She is also an avid sports fan, who has taken a keen interest in assisting athletes and sports participants in improving their performance and preventing injuries. 


Kathryn Logan

Administration Manager and Pilates instructor in the making

Christiane Souza

Pilates Instructor

Luisa Yallamas

Pilates Instructor 

Anouk Condie

Pilates Instructor

Anne Williams

Pilates Instructor

Andrea Bacon

Pilates Instructor