Price Schedule

All adult studio and mat classes are an hour in duration. Off The Mat classes are 55 minutes long. Bookings are essential for all classes. 

Please call recep­tion on 3356 4722 or email if you need to make a book­ing, can­cel­la­tion or change a class time.

As the class sched­ule is very busy we ask that you give 10-hours notice for any book­ing change or can­cel­la­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, can­cel­la­tion within 10 hours of your sched­uled class/session or fail­ure to notify us of your can­cel­la­tion, may incur the cost of the class. However, we are understanding of cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances.



Studio Sessions

Ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion
One hour pri­vate ses­sion for clients want­ing to com­mence Stu­dio Pilates

$84 or $42 with the purchase of a 5  or 10 pack of stu­dio ses­sions

Pri­vate stu­dio ses­sions
Casual $82      5 pack $385        10 pack $720

Duet stu­dio ses­sions
Casual $44      5 pack $205        10 pack $380

Group stu­dio ses­sions 
Max­i­mum of 3 clients
Casual $41        5 pack $190        10 pack $350

Stu­dent Rate for group studio sessions
Casual $38   5 pack $175     10 pack $300

Kids Studio Pilates

Pri­vate stu­dio ses­sions
Casual $62      5 pack $290        10 pack $540

Duet stu­dio ses­sions
Casual $28      5 pack $140        10 pack $260



Mat Classes

Intro­duc­tion To Pilates
A half hour, one-on-one ses­sion for clients totally new to Pilates and want­ing to com­mence mat classes.
$38 or $28 if a 5 pack or 10 pack of mat classes is purchased

Group Mat
Casual $18     5 pack $80     10 pack $160

Stu­dent Rate 
Casual $16     5 pack $70     10 pack $140

Girls’s Pilates 
A 45 min group mat class specif­i­cally designed for girls aged 10–15 years. Classes are run in a 6–8 week block each term.

Casual $16             6 week block $90                   8 week block $120


Off The Mat

Casual $20     5 pack $90     10 pack $180

Stu­dent Rate 
Casual $18     5 pack $80     10 pack $150



Receipts are emailed to clients for all ini­tial con­sul­ta­tions, Intro to Pilates ses­sions & mul­ti­ple class pur­chases. Clients can claim on our Pilates ser­vices with most pri­vate health funds.

Pay­ments can be made by cash, eft­pos, mas­ter­card or VISA.

Effective from Friday, March 31, 2017